
No matter if your team is working at the same office or from home, with Asana you can connect everyone and delegate all tasks, setting due dates and separating each task by their project. Keep everyone alert and ready to perform their best.When you integrate Asana to MightyForms you can increase your team’s productivity and automatically set and delegate tasks.A practical example is to use Logical Rules to send notifications to the right team depending on the respondent’s answer. You can set a trigger so every time the lead submits a new form, a task is created for the head of that team. So, if you have the option on your contact form if the user chooses to send the message to HR, Marketing, or Sales, not only the message will be sent to that team, but a task will be created on Asana.Easily have new tasks delegated to the right team member.

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Add new MightyForms submissions to Asana as tasks

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